“For the sixth consecutive year, the University of Maryland (UMD) earned a top 10 ranking in The Princeton Review‘s annual survey of top schools for entrepreneurship. In the 2021 rankings released today and featured in the December issue of Entrepreneur magazine, UMD placed No. 6 for undergraduate entrepreneurship education climbing one spot from last year and No. 3 among public universities. UMD additionally was listed at No. 23 for graduate entrepreneurship education, marking the ninth consecutive year that the university has been named a top 25 program.”
In recent years, my role at UMD has increasingly involved education and research into entrepreneurship for musicians and other creative types on campus. From 2017 to 2018, I taught a course of my own creation, The Entrepreneurial Musician, which was designed to hone School of Music students entrepreneurial skills to help prepare them for a diverse and ever-changing career in the field of music. In 2018, I applied for and was awarded an Elevate Fellowship, a prestigious on campus award given to faculty who are retooling an academic class at UMD. As part of my Elevate Fellowship, I elevated and retooled my Entrepreneurial Musician class to become Entrepreneurship for Arts Leaders: one of the five required classes that comprises the Arts Leadership Minor program. I also served on an interdepartmental committee within the College of Arts and Humanities to implement and advise on the creation of the Arts Leadership Minor program and am currently sitting on a similar committee at UMD to investigate the possibility of creating a comprehensive masters program in Arts Leadership.
It is humbling and rewarding to know that all of the great work in entrepreneurship going on at UMD, in various different departments, is receiving the recognition it deserves.